Friday, 22 December 2006

>>> Friday Again! <<<

Brought Ollie to the doctor who confirmed he picked up some bug but was told the worst is over. Indeed, he hasn't thrown up and is eating slightly more and felling better too. However she did say it was contagious so now keeping my fingers crossed that Zac doesn't catch it as well. If he does, at least after Xmas please!!!!

Ohhh, postie brought me 'The Look Book' by Autumn Leaves & a photography book. Had ordered it from Idea Books 4 U and didn't expect it to come so early. Glad at least I've got some books to keep me occupied over the Xmas period. Nothing worst than being bored! Still waiting for a pizza box from Homegrown... know it contains loads of goodies and Royal Mail isn't helping by delaying it!

Got all my pressies wrapped up yesterday. Let's hope there isn't any last minute ones... I just had enough of Xmas for the time being! TTFN!

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