Thursday, 21 September 2006

>>> Throbbing Head! <<<

Woke up this morning with a throbbing headache and spent the day feeling that way but I do loathe taking any pills. Just drank lots of water. I think sometimes I don't drink enough water a day. I hardly take tea or coffee, preferring hot chocolate or green tea.

Anyway, didn't stop me from finishing up a LO for the Speshal Dare #20 on the title Why?

That's Zac, always finding somewhere weird to play in the house! Use papers from Prima Marketing Inc, the Odyssey Collection. It was part of Back Porch Memories August Duet kit. Have to say that the papers are lovely!!!

Spent the afternoon at MIL's house and drew up tons of LO sketches. Now can't wait to start creating if I can find the time. Looking forward to Sunday's crop.

Rite, Grey's Anatomy is starting... TTFN!

1 comment:

CaroleW said...

What a fab layout! Love the papers, not seen them before!

Hope the headache's gone.