Sheesh, it's already Thursday. Where did the time go? I had a busy day today as my SIL and her boys came down and we spent a good hour in the park. The weather was perfect too. My boys luv being with their cousins (they are of similar ages). As for me, I had a good time practicising my shoots on them, not that I'm an expert but it gets better with more practise!

Note to self: wipe his snog off before taking a photo!

Why is it so difficult to get all 4 boys to look into the camera and smile!!!
No doubt some of these photos will make their way into my pages. I was running out of photos to scrap!
I had this sudden urge to bake and I did.

Made 2 trays of banana cupcakes and half was topped with chocolate buttercream while the other half with vanilla buttercream. Added a Malteaser at the top for good measure. This went down well with the kiddies and adults! The only problem when you bake is the urge to finish up what you bake! I'm resisting the temptation to wolf them down. I've been keeping my waistline in check and so far I'm pleased with my progress. But it's so difficult to keep slim, especially moi, who luv to eat!
Did a shedload of cooking as well. I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow as it's the hubs' turn to cook! He's a much better cook than I am.
I've been addicted to the music channels these days. Been catching up with the latest pop videos and enjoying them while I'm in the kitchen or craft room. I'm so luving Britney's latest hits and her videos. That gal is sure as hell talented and I'm glad she back in the music scene.
Postie brought me 2 mags that I enjoy... Stampington Inspirations and Stampers' Sampler. I would have gone for Somerset Studio except that I didn't fancy the current issue... didn't appear interesting and these mags aren't cheap either. However they contain tons of inspiration and are worth keeping. My only grouse with Stampinton Inspirations was that 1/4 was the mag and the other 3/4 was a stamp catalogue. I seriously don't understand why they had to do it ... to bulk up the mag? Imagine if I had to order from the States and pay high postage for a mag where 3/4 was simply a stamp catalogue.... I would have been pissed! Well, they did mention there was a stamp catalogue but 3/4 of the mag simply on stamps was way too much for my liking. Oh well...
I've been keeping a rein on my stash spending (well, I've got so much at the moment) but I couldn't resist these stamps when I saw them. I just had to have them.

Basic Grey Porcelain Aviary (aren't those bird cages cute!)

Basic Grey Marrakech Morocco (these remind me of an Asian flair... luv that peacock feathers)

Technique Tuesday Loving Words by Ali Edwards (had my eye on these a while back and when they came back in stock, I went for it)
Can't wait to have a play with them when they arrive! TTFN!