I do have a morbid obsession with handbags. I buy them at regular intervals and I never use the same bag for long. I guess it started when I was a child, I used to change my school bags a lot. As I grew older, the obsession grew and I graduated to designer handbags when I was in my late teens/early 20s. And when money was tight, it was back to high street handbags with a cheaper price tag. And if I'm given a choice between clothes or bags, I quite happily go for the latter!
Today I realised how many I had when I was clearing my room and found some bags that I had completely forgotten I had them! I then decided to empty out 2 plastic boxes filled with hubby's rubbish (you know it's rubbish when he hasn't touched them for years!) to make way for my bags. I had to literally pull bags out from every corner of my room, pack them nicely in two boxes. So now I do know what I've got and I can quite easily change them at will! (Actually, I do have another stack of bags stashed away in another room.) Wish I had done it earlier as my dog chewed up a very lovely handbag. It had a unique design and I was so upset. When I buy bags, it has to be somewhat unique in design and colour. I do avoid black and brown as I've got so many of them in those colours. I love them in unusual colours. The brighter the better!
Anyway, best pal brought me to The Factory Outlet in Swindon yesterday and I stepped into a Fiorelli store for a browse (with no intention to buy any) and saw this!
OMG! Jaw dropped and after mulling for a while, I had to get it! I was looking for a travelling handbag (for my impending trip to Singapore, any excuse!) and it had to be able to house my DSLR camera too. This fitted the bill perfectly and it kinda have the Bottega look, minus the hefty price tag of course! It came in four colours, black, yellow, tan and cerise. I would have gone for the cerise except that the store only had it in tan. Well, at the factory outlet price, it would have been a shame not to get it!
Then today, while surfing around (don't ask why I was looking at handbags), I chanced upon this bag...
Again by Fiorelli. Checking the dimensions, I realised it would fit my 15" Macbook Pro perfectly. Yeah, I do have a laptop bag but always nice to be able to carry a laptop without publicly announcing you are carrying one. This came in 3 colours, black, tan and red. Went for red as it my fav colour.
Am I nuts to be buying two new bags in a week? Possibly but I know I'll regret if I don't get the above as it is a bag that I have been searching for. What more, it came with a zip too. I generally avoid bags that don't have a zip as I don't feel safe carrying it around. And I do like carrying big bags... don't ask me what I put in there but I've got a handbag organiser so I simple transfer it from one bag to another.
Shame I don't have any daughters to share my passion for handbags. My mom is also another bag fanatic and I always raid her cupboard when I'm in Singapore to see what she has that I can use. If I'm bad, she's worst! And she loves buying clothes too! :) Oh well, one can't have too many handbags! TTFN!